Covid 19 Protocals

We want to inform you of the steps we are taking to protect our patients

  • - All patients and staff must keep their nose and mouth covered at all times.
  • - Appointments are spaced to allow patients to social distance while waiting.
  • - If you need to change your appointment, please call in advance for an alternate time.
  • - Please call 718-332-3030 if you have any questions or concerns.

We look forward to seeing you soon. Please stay safe,
Deborah Silberman MD
David Edelstein, MD

About Our Practice

Dr Silberman is a cataract specialist. Dr. Edelstein is a glaucoma specialist. Our practice concentrates on treating patient with a variety of ophthalmic problems such as cataract, glaucoma, diabetes, pterygium and most other ophthalmic diseases. In addition we have varied research and academic interests. Dr. Silberman is currently working on a paper dealing with Chronic Angle Closure Glaucoma in Sickle Cell Disease. She served as the primary surgical instructor to residents at Brookdale Univeristy Medical Center for ten years. Dr. Edelstein has published a paper dealing with the use of beta-blockers versus no treatment in glaucoma suspects.

We welcome you to our practice. It is our goal to treat you and educate you as well as communicate with your primary doctor about your eye condition. We look forward to meeting you.

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